About Us
The Port Charlotte Garden Club was organized on October 24, 1957 and federated on October 28, 1958.
Meetings are held at 9:30am from September through May on the second Thursday of the month. Special members-only luncheons take the place of regularly scheduled meetings during December and April.
We meet at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County
1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd.
Port Charlotte, Florida
We are a member of:
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., District IX
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Deep South Garden Clubs​

Port Charlotte Garden Club prepares for their 67th season
with the installation of new 2023-25 officers:
Left to right: Lee Ann Ferriola, Parliamentarian; Janie Doles, Recording Secretary; Lynne Damizzi, Corresponding Secretary; Barbara Miller, Co-Vice President; Jeanne Larson, President; Cindy McConnell, Co-Vice President; Tammy Breden, Treasurer; Trustees: Carolyn Savary, Connie Ferris and Sandi Witzke
Our Mission:
To beautify and improve Port Charlotte and surrounding areas
through education, conservation and best horticultural practices.
We encourage the use of native plants, study the art of flower arranging and promote all objectives of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.